Your photograph should be an exterior shot taken in Manhattan. The subject or background should be an identifiable area, landmark, or neighborhood. Interior shots may be accepted if they're of a very popular landmark, such as a movie theater, store, or restaurant.
Scans from newspapers or magazines will not be accepted.
Portraits may be accepted only if the background is not obscured by the individual(s) in the foreground. Look at your picture before sending it. Is there more person than background? If so, it probably won't be accepted.
Photographs must be your private property. They may not be published elsewhere, or taken from any source other than your personal collection.
Photographs should be at least 30 years old. Exceptions will be made when the subject matter merits it.
Pictures must first be scanned and then sent via email as attached files.
The prices of scanners have gone down drastically in the past year. A scanner that's good enough to produce pictures for the internet can be obtained for as little as $75 or so.
Scanned photographs may be emailed as separate, binary attachements to:
Size: | 800x600 pixels, or as close to this as you can get |
Density: | 300dpi (dots per inch) minimum |
File format: | JPG or JPEG only |
All scanners can produce JPG (pronounced "jay-peg") files. JPG files
compress the image so that the resulting file is relatively small. Typically,
after you've scanned the picture, you will simply use your scanner software's
"Save As" function to save the image as a "JPG" file.
Is the picture black and white? If so, make sure you scan the image as
a "grayscale" image, and not as a full-color one. This will further reduce
the size of the resulting file. This holds true for sepia-toned prints or
those that have turned brownish with age.
All file names must be suffixed ".jpg". Please do not send
files created by a word processor (suffixed with ".doc"), or any other
graphic file types, such as bitmaps (".bmp") or "GIF" files.
Your Photographs should be accompanied by text that provides details about
what's in the picture, including the location and the year it was taken.
Other details are welcome and encouraged. The narrative should be sent
as email TEXT only (please - no word-processor files).
Unless you request anonymity, your name will accompany the image in a
"submitted by" caption.
We can't guarantee that your picture(s) will be published in the gallery.
All Photos are subject to editing, cropping and other manipulation necessary
to make them conform to gallery standards.
Depending on the volume of submissions, it may take anywhere from an hour
to a few weeks to process your picture. You'll receive an acknowledgement
when your submission is received, and another message when it's
either accepted or rejected.
Accepted photo scans become the property of SofTech Consulting, Chappaqua, New York, USA,
who may use the image as they see fit for any reason.
Compensation is neither offered nor given for any images you submit.